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Jesus is knocking on the door


Wednesday night during our Bible study Brynt shared about Jesus knocking at the door of our hearts. 

My parents had this picture in our house growing up. 

Revelation 3:20-21 "Look! I stand at the door and knock. If you hear my voice and open the door, I will come in, and we will share a meal together as friends. Those who are victorious will sit with me on my throne, just as I was victorious and sat with my Father on his throne.

I have previously studied about the lukewarm church of Laodicea in Revelation 3. In reality the church of Laodicea is us - it represents the church of today.

This plea is for any church - yes - any person, believer - who once knew God with Zeal and passion but has now become indifferent and lukewarm.

There is a repeated cry throughout the messages to the 7 churches in Revelation.

Revelation 3:6 "Anyone with ears to hear must listen to the Spirit and understand what he is saying to the churches.

Revelation 3:13 "Anyone with ears to hear must listen to the Spirit and understand what he is saying to the churches.

Revelation 3:22 "Anyone with ears to hear must listen to the Spirit and understand what he is saying to the churches."

Since I started this study I have been meditating on

Revelation 3:20-21 "Look! I stand at the door and knock. If you hear my voice and open the door, I will come in, and we will share a meal together as friends. Those who are victorious will sit with me on my throne, just as I was victorious and sat with my Father on his throne.

Behold, I stand at the door and knock: Jesus gave this lukewarm church The Great Invitation. He knocked at their door, asking entry to come and dine with them, in the sense of sharing warm, intimate time.

I've always heard that Jesus is knocking at the doors of sinners - but here He is - knocking on the doors of Believers - the church.

Jesus is not pleading with an individual to be saved; He's seeking admittance to a church. He's looking to be wanted by the Bride He died to redeem.

It's alarming to think of Jesus standing outside of the church and knocking, but that's the position He was in. 

The Laodicean church had shut the door on Jesus; they were smug in their prosperity, but Jesus was left standing in the cold.

He was an outsider to the hearts of the entire congregation.

I always heard there is no door knob on Jesus side of the door because the invitation is up to us. 

How many of us are doing church without the One who is the Head of the church?

This church was guilty of self-reliance - they were gifted;
They were guilty of self-righteousness -  they felt morally superior;
and they were guilty of spiritual indifference
and even worse - they were totally aware of their wretched condition.

Jesus calls them to repent, to burn for Him again.

Revelation 3:19 I correct and discipline everyone I love. So be diligent and turn from your indifference.

and He stands outside and knocks. This plea is personal - it is heartfelt and urgent.

He is inviting everyone in this church to experience Intimate Fellowship with HIM!

The promise for those who open the door.
"I will come into him."  What a glorious promise!

 If we open the door, He will come in. He won't ring the bell and run away. He promised to come in, and then to dine with the believer.

When Jesus said dine with him, He spoke of a specific meal known as the deipnon. "The deipnon was the main meal of the day and was a leisurely affair, not a hurried snack." (L. Morris) 

This speaks of fellowship. This speaks of a depth to the relationship.

This was the meal at which a man sat and talked for long, for now there was time, for work was ended... it is not a mere courtesy visit, paid in the passing, which Jesus Christ offers to us.

 He desires to come in and to sit long with us, and to wait as long as we wish him to wait." (Barclay)

This is where Jesus wants us, in the place of fellowship with Him.

In the culture of that time, eating together was an act of deep fellowship and friendship.

Jesus does not kick the door down and power His way in. He could but Jesus chooses the path of intimacy and invitation. He wants relationship - mutual choosing. He is inviting us to closeness but He waits on us to choose Him. Love has to be chosen.

The amazing thing about this passage is that Jesus does not reject them, He is standing and knocking and extending once again and opportunity to invite Him in.

My question for us all. Are we inviting Jesus into our lives? Are we making room for Him at our tables? Are we in fellowship with Him?

Inviting Jesus in is allowing Him to do the work in our lives. Submitting to Him, yielding to Him and allowing Him to transform our lives.

Jesus is standing - He is knocking. He's waiting for invitation. Will we let Him in?

He has something incredible for those who do!


  1. 😭 I’m hoping that I am opening the door. I’m hungry for Him. I long for Him.


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