Sunday we shared about Covenant, Communion and Community. And how all 3 are intimately related. And how all of them require a culture of Honor. In this blog I want to focus on the aspect of Community or Family. I read a blog today talking about community and it defined what community is NOT. Community - family - houses are NOT a bunch of people who agree with everything you say. Real houses, real familes, real communites of God are people who may disagree on things - But agree that they all want to love God and love people and do both well. They learn to treat each other and their differences of opinion with kindness and empathy and curiosity. This is rare and refreshing in our world today. We believe in this hour God is raising up Restoration HOUSE as just that... a house of God, a house of family, a community of believers who honor God and honor each other. Houses need Fathers and Mothers and Sons and Daughters... not who agree on everything but agree on the ONE thi...
My views on living out real life with Jesus as my Lord, Holy Spirit as my guide and God as my everything!