Compelled by Love for Love 2 Corinthians 5:14 For Christ's love compels us, because we are convinced that one died for all, and therefore all died. During this journey with Jesus there have been times I have been hurt, rejected, lied to, lied on, disappointed by others, confidences betrayed, disappointed in myself, weak, tired, confused, lonely, bitter, wounded, jaded and afraid. During these times it is easy to look around and ask why continue? During these times the answer is always the same! For Christ's love compels me! I am compelled by the love of God for me! I am compelled by my love for Him! I am compelled to give this love to a generation starving for Real Love! So the supernatural power of the Holy Spirit picks me up, dusts me off and tells me I am healed & accepted. God is my Father; I am being led by Truth & His Word Alone over me is Truth. I am satisfied in Christ, He is trustworthy. I am a new Creation, He...
My views on living out real life with Jesus as my Lord, Holy Spirit as my guide and God as my everything!